So as Los Angeles goes into another lockdown – as Corona Virus cases are rising – I needed to do something to help keep me sane. I am used to staying at home a lot due to the virus. After 9 months, this is sort of the new norm now. And I honestly do not mind wearing a mask.
With photography, I can take a nice day trip to enjoy some fresh air and still stay socially distanced – because I like to get out of the house and take photos. So this time, I decided to take day trip to La Jolla, California. It is south of Los Angeles near San Diego.
Taking day trips is kind of my thing. I love road trips, especially when I can drive for about two hours and see something different. Or enjoy a new scenery, or even grab a nice glass of wine at a restaurant I have never been too. So that is what I decided to do. And the best thing, is that Southern California really has amazing weather. Even though it is almost Thanksgiving, the skies have sporadic clouds, the air is crisp, and the temperature is, well – temperament. [That word works here, right?]
After I passed San Onofre (that is where the nuclear power plant is that looks like boobs) there is a small vista lookout, where you can see the ocean. I saw a bunch of seagulls take flight. It was good to stop and stretch my legs. I grabbed my camera and started snapping away. Saw a couple of gulls just sitting there chillin. Who knows, they could have been gossiping – right before the lot of them took flight. I am always trying to capture birds in flight as a photographer.
I think I am getting better!
So my first stop was La Jolla Cove. When I search La Jolla, it was the really the first destination that came up. And it seemed like a reasonable place to start!
Now, it was a Sunday and I did not realize how crowded it would be [remember, good weather!] But I found a legit good spot. Grabbed my bag, camera and got to work.
I was not aware that there would be a Colony of Sea Lions just laying on the rocky shores. They were just laying there, chillin, barking at one another, and just being, you know, sea lions!
While I was there, a spoke with a nice ranger. She was telling me a bit about the sea lions. Aren’t they adorable? She also mentioned that about 30 minutes south of where we were was Cabrillo National Monument
It had tide pools, a statue, a beautiful look out and the Point Loma Lighthouse. And of course, I LOVE lighthouses, so I was eager to jump in the car and head down there.
Okay, so the park costs $20 bucks to get in, but there is plenty of parking and plenty to see. I do not mind paying for National Parks – because we need to support our parks – and as a photographer it is always free to go and photograph there.
I suggest everyone take a day to just explore La Jolla and it’s coast lines. I mean, they are truly stunning, and during November, the weather is great and it is not too crowded, so there is still some good picture taking to be had!
After I was done, I had to eat and enjoy a nice glass of wine. It was still light and the day was magnificent, so as I pulled out of the national park and on the main road stumbled upon this cute little restaurant called Jennings House Cafe. I have mixed feelings on the food BUT the place is adorably quaint, the service was great, and the atmosphere was great. To me, it was a perfect way to end my awesome day trip.
Well that and the awesome little drive through coffee shop Better Buzzed CoffeeShop I found right before I got on the freeway.
I know we have to fight this virus. And I understand that we have to quarantine in order to stay safe. That is why I am glad I am still able to take amazing and simple road trips such as this one I took, just to help stay sane and creative during these crazy times!